Kongresse und wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

„Peer reviewed“ internationale wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der experimentellen Arbeiten über CMO* [Compensatory Magnetic Oscillation], die vom Forschungszentrum für elektromagnetische Biophysik TECNOLAB koordiniert wurden.
Biotechnologie Tecno AO [AO: Autonomous oscillators]

"Biological Effects of Continuous Exposure of Embryos and Young Chickens to Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by Video Display Units " 
B. J. Youbicier-Simo, F. Boudard, C. Cabaner, and M. Bastide, 
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy , University of Montpellier 1 - France
BIOELECTROMAGNETICS, Vol 18, Number 7, 1997 pages 514-523

"Electromagnetic Biocompatibility at Workplace : Protection Principles, Assessment and Tests. Results of an EMF Protective Compensation Technology in Humans and in Animals"
G. J. Hyland 1, D. J. Clements-Croome 2
1- University of Warwick, Coventry, UK and International Institute of Biophysics, Germany
2- University of Reading, UK

"Ocular functions during loading by visual display terminal and the effect of Tecno AO"
Yayoi Satou, Akiko Hara, Kouji Oono, Hiromi Kikuchi, Hiroe Matsuzaki, Tatsuto Namba and Mikio Miyata
School of Medicine Kitasato University, 1-15-1 Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, 228-8555, Japan
Vol 11, Number 93, 1999, pages 1634-1637, 32-35

" Computers and Health in the Workplace"
Derek J.Clements-Croome 1, John Jukes 2
1- Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading, UK
2- Jukes Association, Old Couldson, UK
HEALTHY BUILDINGS 2000 : Exposure, Human Responses and Building Investigations, SYR INDOOR AIR Vol. 1, 2000, pages 119-124

"Review of Studies Validating the Protective Efficacy of a New Technology (*) Designed to Compensate Potential Adverse Bioeffects Caused by VDU and GSM Cell Phone Radiation.  (Tecno AO : international registered patent ) "
B. J. Youbicier-Simo, R. Messagier, M. Fillion-Robin
Tecnolab Research Centre, ZAC de la Thalie, Av. l'Europe, 71100 Chalon Sur Saône, France
RADIOPROTECÇÃO (Radioprotection) The Journal of the Portuguese Society for Radiation Protection (IRPA), Vol I, Number 8 and 9, 2000-2001, pages 105-123, ISSN 874-7016

Toxicologic study of electromagnetic radiation emitted by television and video display
screens and cellular telephones on chickens and mice"
M. Bastide 1, B. J. Youbicier-Simo 1-2, J.C.Lebecq 1, J.Giaimis 1
1- Laboratory of Immunology and Parasitology, MENRT-EA 2413, College of Pharmacy, University of Montpellier I.
2- Tecnolab Research Centre, Chalon sur Saône, France
Vol. 10, Number 5, 2001, pages 91-98

"Video screen exposure and 6-sulfatoxymelatonin urinary excretion in women"
R. Santini1 , R. Messagier2 , B. Claustrat3 , M. Fillion-Robin2 , B.J.Youbicier-Simo2
1- Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Bât. Louis Pasteur, 20 rue Albert Einstein, 69621 Villerbanne, France
2- Tecnolab Research Centre, ZAC de la Thalie, Av. l'Europe, 71100 Chalon Sur Saône, France
3- Hôpital Neuro-cardiologique, Service de radiopharmacie et de radioanalyse, Centre de Médecine Nucléaire, 59 bd.
Pinel, 69394 Lyon, France
PATHOLOGIE BIOLOGIE, Issue 51, 2003, pages143-146

"Effects of mobile phone radiation on reproduction and development in Drosophila melanogaster"
Weisbrot David1, Lin Hana2, Ye Lin1, Blank Martin3, and Reba Goodman1
1- Department of Pathology, Columbia University Health Sciences, 630 West 168 St. NewYork 100032
2- Department of Anatony, Columbia University Health Sciences, 630 West 168 St. NewYork 100032
3- Department of Physiology, Columbia University Health Sciences, 630 West 168 St. NewYork 100032
Vol. 89, Issue 1, 2003,  pages 48-55

Arbeiten, die bei internationalen wissenschaftlichen Kongressen zu CMO [Compensatory Magnetic Oscillation]
Biotechnologie Tecno AO [AO Autonomous oscillators] präsentiert wurden

"Biological effects of low dose radiations from TV set on embryos and young chickens : study of a protective material"
F. Boudard, B. J. Youbicier-Simo, J. D. Baylé, M. Bastide
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy, Unit of Endocrine Neurobiology, University of Montpellier.
1993 - GIRI (Montpellier, FRANCE) Pages 15 - 16 ; 71 - 72

"Electromagnetic stress in the VDU users and corrective results obtained with ELF emission at ultra low intensity"
Ch. Champion, M. Fillion-Robin, J. Catier, G. Caron.

"The biological effects of low doses of television emitted radiation in chick embryos and young chickens : a study of Tecno AO protective equipment."
M. Bastide, B. J. Youbicier-Simo, J. D Bayle
1994 - WWDU. Work With Display Units (Milano, Italy) Annexe 1 - 8

"Protective effect of Tecno ao antenna against VDU EMFs as stress factor"
M. Fillion-Robin*, J. L. Marande**, C. Limoni***
* Tecnosphere Research Centre 71150 Sampigny ** Occupational Health Medicine, Cochin Hospital , Paris *** SSQEA Ticino, 6830 Chiasso, Switzerland

"Bioeffets of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to ELF displayed by desk computers : protective effects of Tecno AO antenna"
B. J. Youbicier-Simo, F. Boudard, C. Cabaner, M. Bastide,
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy , University of Montpellier 1 - France
1996 - EBEA European BioElectromagnetics Association (Nancy, France) Pages 70 ; 144

"Bioeffets of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to ELF displayed by desk computers : protective effects of Tecno AO antenna"
B. J. Youbicier-Simo, F. Boudard, C. Cabaner, M. Bastide,
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy , University of Montpellier 1 - France
"Improvement of psychotechnical performances and stress resistance after modulation of the VDT radiation by an oscillating magnetic field"
M. Fillion-Robin*, J. L. Marande**, C. Limoni***
*Tecnosphere Research Centre 71150 Sampigny ** Occupational Health Medicine, Cochin Hospital , Paris *** SSQEA Ticino, 6830 Chiasso, Switzerland
1996 - MAGNETOTHERAPY (Royal Society of Medicine, London) Pages 195 - 203

"Biological Effects of Continuous Exposure of Embryos and Young Chickens to Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by Video Display Units"
B. J. Youbicier-Simo, F. Boudard, C. Cabaner, and M. Bastide
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy , University of Montpellier 1 - France
Volume 18, Number 7, 1997
BIOELECTROMAGNETICS (Journal of The Bioelectromagnetics Society - The Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine - The European Bioelectromagnetics Association) Pages
514 - 523

" Physical constraints specifying primary mechanisms whereby Tecno AO and superweak EMFs affect biological  systems"
V.N. Binhi*, M. Fillion-Robin** and G. Picard***
*  International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics RANS, Russia
**Tecnolab Research Centre (France)
*** Department of Analytical chemistry, Turin University, 10125 Turin, Italy
"Mortality of chickens embryos exposed to EMFs from mobile phones"
Damage of chickens embryos by EMFs from mobile  phones : protection by a compensation antenna"
B.J. Youbicier-Simo, J.C. Lebecq and M. Bastide
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy , University of Montpellier 1 - France
1998 - BEMS (St.Pete Beach, Florida, USA) Pages 30; 100-104 ; 138-139

"Tecno AO Technology : Biological Effects of EM and Torsion Fields"
M. Fillion-Robin*, A. E. Akimov, V. N. Binhi**
*Tecnolab Research Centre (France
**International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics RANS, RUSSIA

"Cortisol variations observed in mice placed in front of colour TV screen : a feed back control"
"Hemathological effects of low doses of television emitted-radiation in mice : a parallel study with a protective equipment"
L. Bonhomme-Faivre1, R. Santini3, S. Marion2
E. Bizi1, H. Auclair2, L. Bottius1, S. Orbach-Arbouys1, N.L. Bui
1 Service de Pharmacie, Laboratoire de Pharmacologie
3 Laboratoire d'H
ématologie, Hôpital Paul Brousse (Paris)
2 Institut National des Sciences Appliqu
ées (INSA), Laboratoire de Biochimie-Pharmacologie (Lyon-France)
1999 - BEMS - Bioelectomagnetics Society
Long Beach, California, USA Page 41 ; 92

"kT Problem in Magnetobiology : The Present State of the Art and Perspectives of the Solution"
V. N. Binhi
General Physic Institute RAS, Institute of Cell Biophysics RAS, Moscow
1999 - Electromagnetics and Human Health (Moscow, Russia) Pages 250 - 251

"Electromagnetic Biocompatibility at Workplace : Protection Principles, Assessment and Tests. Results of an EMF Protective Compensation Technology in Humans and in Animals"
G. J. Hyland1, D. J. Clements-Croome2
1 University of Warwick, Coventry, UK and International Institute of Biophysics, Germany
2 University of Reading, UK
Progress in Radiation Protection (Publication Series)
(IRPA) (Cologne, Germany) Pages 213 - 242

"Ocular functions during loading by visual display terminal and the effect of Tecno AO"
Yayoi Satou, Akiko Hara, Kouji Oono, Hiromi Kikuchi, Hiroe Matsuzaki, Tatsuto Namba and Mikio Miyata
School of Medicine Kitasato University, 1-15-1 Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, 228-8555, Japan
Volume 11, Number 93, 1999
1999 - JAPANESE REVIEW OF CLINICAL OPHTALMOLOGY Pages 1634 - 1637 ; 32 - 35

"Mortality of chicken embryos continuously exposed under GSM cell phone and validation of the effectiveness of a protective device."

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